Having up to date figures helps you feel less stressed so you can make good business decisions. We will work closely with you so that we will feel like part of your team. Our clients say it helps to hand the paperwork over to us, so that they get their evenings back. With cloud based software (Quickbooks and Xero) you can keep an eye on the figures with your own log in if you want to.
We can take the stress and emotion out of sales invoices by using QB or Xero to email your invoices to customers. Each invoice will have your business logo and all the important information on it.
We can send the customers the quotes and/or invoices as well as following up with regular statements to make sure the invoices get paid on time.
As a business owner you can feel isolated so we are here to to listen to your plans and ideas. As well as the necessary compliance work, we can provide a monthly resilience call with you. Having an agreed plan each month can make sure you keep the business on track.
Our encouraging mentoring and advisory service keeps your goals in mind, to help you achieve the growth you want.
We work with people who are starting out, to those who have sales of over £4M. What they have in common is a need to grow with resilience so that they achieve their goals and survive the bumps in the road.
We have worked with the same businesses for long periods (years rather than months) so we have seen them grow and adapted our services to keep supporting them along the way.
If you have the ideas but not the time to get a Facebook page running, an Instagram account opened or a letter drafted to potential customers, we are here to help. We can proofread adverts/posts before they are shared so that the mistakes are minimised. BW Bookkeeping can talk to you about business listings and how to make sure they work to get your business noticed.
Every business with income of £85,000 needs to start monitoring their sales as they get close to the VAT registration threshold. BW Bookkeeping can help you, talk through what you need to do and help with applying for a VAT registration when the time is right. This will give you confidence that you are getting things right. For more information from HMRC : https://www.gov.uk/how-vat-works
Jen worked for three accountancy practices and always loved building relationships with the clients who wanted bookkeeping services. When baby number three was born in 2014, she decided to set up a business that made it easier to work remotely. BW Bookkeeping grew from there and we now work with small rural businesses. We do not outsource overseas. Jen and her team are available on the phone to help you feel supported.
If there are spreadsheets that would help your business run more smoothly, we are happy to help develop them for you. If you need a form to send to customers or suppliers, we can set that up. Our clients often need help with back office skills as they don't want to spend their day sat at a desk or laptop. When you get forms from suppliers needing all your details, it can save you time to get us to fill them in. Whatever your admin needs are, we can chat about how best to support you.
As a professional service provider we are required to identify our clients for the purposes of UK anti money laundering legislation which means we will request and store ID documents. Communication between us and our clients is confidential, and we will only disclose information on your behalf with your authorisation. We invoice monthly in advance. If you believe an invoice is not fair and reasonable you must notify us within 21 days. We hold professional indemnity insurance and details of coverage can be found at our office. We do not hold any client monies.
6 Keats Court,
Eaton Ford,
St Neots,
PE19 7LX
07825 152951
Home Page FAQs Blog Facebook Instagram LinkedInCompany Number 13495928
VAT No. 450467105
Registered in England and Wales - Registered Office: Staple House 5, Eleanors Cross, Dunstable, Bedfordshire, England, LU6 1SU
BW Bookkeeping is a breath of fresh air in the accounting sector. Supporting our businesses with skill and focus. Allowing management to to run the day to day projects and not be snowed under with delivery notes , wages and tax. The suggestions and input Jen and the team have implemented over our company are simple but brilliant as all the best ideas are. We love collaboration with BW Bookkeeping to support us in, not only running the day to day company but also building our buisness.
Joseph Walsh, St Neots
Outstanding! BWBPS sorted out my books then provided me with the support and training I needed to get everything up to date and back on track. Friendly, professional service which I would highly recommend.
Cake Company St Neots
We have been a client of BW Bookkeeping since 2017 and rely on them for a range of services. They helped us change from a sole trader to a limited company and handle all our banking and VAT.
Mason Grab Hire Ltd, Aston Clinton