Bookkeeping is only scary when :
you leave it to pile up,
you do it when you are knackered from working all week
or you ask your partner to do it and friction starts to build.
Having a bookkeeper means that your books are up to date once a week or once a month, and there is no dread building in the back of your mind when you think about it.
Taxes are only scary if your books are not up to date and you don't know how much the payment will be. If you have an idea of what will need to be paid you can start to squirel the money away in advance. We always recommend our clients have a deposit account with their next VAT or personal tax savings in so that the money is there when they need it.
Getting the right help means that the books and the taxes are under control and the fear factor has been removed. If you want help to deal with your books, get in touch and see how we can help you.
And death, well we should not worry about the things we can not control.
6 Keats Court,
Eaton Ford,
St Neots,
PE19 7LX
07825 152951
Home Page FAQs Blog Facebook Instagram LinkedInCompany Number 13495928
VAT No. 450467105
Registered in England and Wales - Registered Office: Staple House 5, Eleanors Cross, Dunstable, Bedfordshire, England, LU6 1SU
I learned more about how to direct my business in 20 minutes talking to Jen at BW Bookkeeping than in 4 years of meetings with my accountant.
Rob L, Aston Clinton
Outstanding! BWBPS sorted out my books then provided me with the support and training I needed to get everything up to date and back on track. Friendly, professional service which I would highly recommend.
Cake Company St Neots
We have been a client of BW Bookkeeping since 2017 and rely on them for a range of services. They helped us change from a sole trader to a limited company and handle all our banking and VAT.
Mason Grab Hire Ltd, Aston Clinton