Celebrating year 9 of BW Bookkeeping

There have been a lot of changes since we celebrated year 8, in very difficult economic circumstances we have made lots of changes!

bookkeeping and business development services

We signed a lease in May and moved into a new office in July with our own broadband contract.  As a small business, with our team working from home a lot of the time we have always sublet office space before so this seemed like a big step forward for us.  The office is just the right size for 3 of us to be in there at the same time which gives us flexibility when we need to do training.  Taking on a higher rent, electric bills and a broadband contract when the price of everything is on the increase has been a real challenge.

More recently with a few changes in staff levels we also promoted a second Director to the Board.  Sarah has helped Jen grow the business since she increased her hours in May 2021, and it became more obvious that her input and calm was helpful in steering the ship.  To acknowledge her role and appreciate her support, she joined the Board as a Director in September 2023.

The latest change has been registering the business for VAT.  We remain a small company and hadn't quite reached the compulsery VAT registration threshold but we feel that being able to claim VAT back on our costs (such as rent, telephone, software) will help us remain profitable at a time when our margins are being pinched by increases in wages.

Every small business owner we speak to is having difficulties because prices are increasing and demand is unpredictable, as customers are struggling with cost of living issues.  We are finding the time challenging too, but we are very proud with the growth we have achieved over the last 12 months.

Here's to the next 12 months - hoping it will go well for us and our clients.

BW Bookkeeping and Project Solutions Ltd.

6 Keats Court,
Eaton Ford,
St Neots,
PE19 7LX

07825 152951


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Company Number 13495928
VAT No. 450467105
Registered in England and Wales - Registered Office: Staple House 5, Eleanors Cross, Dunstable, Bedfordshire, England, LU6 1SU

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Quickbooks Advanced Certified Pro Adviser - Gold


We have been a client of BW Bookkeeping since 2017 and rely on them for a range of services. They helped us change from a sole trader to a limited company and handle all our banking and VAT.
Mason Grab Hire Ltd, Aston Clinton

BW Bookkeeping is a breath of fresh air in the accounting sector. Supporting our businesses with skill and focus. Allowing management to to run the day to day projects and not be snowed under with delivery notes , wages and tax. The suggestions and input Jen and the team have implemented over our company are simple but brilliant as all the best ideas are. We love collaboration with BW Bookkeeping to support us in, not only running the day to day company but also building our buisness.
Joseph Walsh, St Neots

I learned more about how to direct my business in 20 minutes talking to Jen at BW Bookkeeping than in 4 years of meetings with my accountant.
Rob L, Aston Clinton

Quickbooks Advanced Certified Pro Adviser